Cache! You make me smile. Rob and I took the boys to see the movie Bedtime Stories. After the show, we went to Texas Roadhouse to eat. Well, Cache has this little thing, that if he coughs to many times or gags at all, he can't stop gagging and throws up! Well, you probably can see where this is going. Right? So, we have just gotten our food and Cache starts gagging (he has had a cold) and I reach for a napkin because I know what's coming, but unfortunately I was not as fast as I needed to be. He threw up all over me. My entire front, all the way to my knees. I didn't even know what to do. They were super busy and I was afraid the people around us would be able to smell it. I know ** So Gross!! I threw Cache at Rob so he could take him in the restroom. I think I actually snapped my fingers at a passing waiter, asked for a sack to put all the yuck napkins in and for someone to box up our food. Rob brought Cache back out, who was fine and didn't have anything on him!! When we got in the car, I looked back at Cache and said,"You threw up all over mommy!" He just smiled and gave a little laugh! Yep, that's my Cache. After I got cleaned up at home, I got my food out to finally eat, but my appetite wasn't really there. I left it sitting on the table and turned my back for a few minutes..... the dog ate it! Nice huh?