Hayden is 7 years old! Where does the time go? He is in 2nd Grade and loves his teacher. He is such a happy kid and great fun to be around. His class is learning how to play chess, so he is always challenging everyone to play him. I never win!
Wyatt is 4 years old. He is in pre-school 3 days a week. He is always singing songs, (just like his dad, except Wyatt always has the right words) he's very observant, and meticulous. Wyatt loves animals. He's also my cuddle bug!
Cache is 2 years old and all I can say is Wow! This kid-- it's a good thing his face is so cute! He is like a whirlwind of mess. He never stops getting into stuff and now that he can talk so good, he'll chew you out if he feels the need to do so! It is fun to hear him say new things everyday, I can't grasp the fact that he is already two! He's a fun one!
....BOYS.....Best Buds!!!
Wyatt with Teeko (mini australian shepherd)
Christmas this year was such a Blast! It was so fun to see and feel the excitment, through my boys! We stayed home this year, so it was really nice to play with the kids all day long and just relax. We didn't have to pull the kids away from any of their new things to go anywhere! We did go to Utah the weekend before Christmas and visited with all my family. Every year, instead of buying gifts between my brothers and sister-in-laws and Rob and I, we do Christmas for a family. We always meet together and wrap all the gifts. This year, the all the kids delivered the Christmas gifts! It made my heart swell to watch all my nieces and nephews (which I am so proud of ) and my own children, walk in a line up to the door of the house they were delivering presents to. All of them holding gifts and some with bags of presents also. The family was so suprised and grateful! It was so wonderful to hear my boys talk about it later on. It was definitely my highlight this Christmas season and I know all the kids will remember it always.
Winter Last Year 2007-this is one of my all time favorite pictures of my boys!! They were standing outside our patio door, looking into the house. Notice Cache's face getting smashed into the glass. He didn't seem to mind.

yay for you!!! i'm so excited!!!! now i can see pictures of everyone!! and if you do facebook also...find me because that's where pictures of my dress will be (because Ty can't see it and he always looks at the blog, but he doesn't have facebook. ha ha) YAYAYAY!! i'm excited you have a blog!! :) pretty soon you'll be a bloggin champ at it!! the pictures are super cute! i love those boys!! and i like the little snippets of your house...because i haven't seen your house yet! :(
ReplyDeleteI love it! Yeah for the blogging!!! I never called you back.. tonight was nuts. Parker was having a rough Monday! I love your tree, and all the pics of the boys! I miss you!!
ReplyDeleteJust wait and see you are gonna be a bloggin master before long. By the way thanks for being my "other" family. You are the best and I really don't know what I would do without you.