We had such a great time in Disneyland!!! We went the end of June/beginning of July. It was perfect weather and tons of fun! The best part was being there with family. I havn't been able to spend as much time with everyone since we moved and it was so great to be able to hang out with all the crazy Anderson clan for an entire week. The morning at the airport was a little stressfull....(I think any time you mix little kids, big airport, car seats, strollers, luggage......well, you get the picture...) The flight was not too bad. Hayden did crack everyone up when the plane was descending, it turned sharp, and you could feel the plane tilt sideways. Hayden yells-We're going into a tail spin! It was Soooo funny!! Everyone around him was laughing. Also, we can't forget delirious Rob, who had worked all week until early hours of the morning....then all day and through the entire night(getting a house ready for the parade of homes).....he showed up about 6 a.m. just as we were getting up to get ready to head for the airport. (That was cuttin it a little close, Phelps! But, we're glad you made it!) I don't know exactly how many hours he had gone without sleep......he seemed drunk, but he was a trooper, anyways! We love you! Once we got there and checked out our amazing rooms (thanks to Matt and Sandy), the kids and I hit the pool and Rob hit the sack! Once we got all situated and rested up.....it was fun, fun, fun........

Wyatt's "Sweet" ride around the park with his very cool cousins! It was so nice to have extra help from all my completely awesome neices and nephews!!! (It was so fun to spend time with all of you! Love you guys)

Wyatt's "Sweet" ride around the park with his very cool cousins! It was so nice to have extra help from all my completely awesome neices and nephews!!! (It was so fun to spend time with all of you! Love you guys)
Cache pulled a chair to the "Golden Mickey" every morning before we left the hotel and rubbed it's foot!!! For good luck, maybe?? 

The boys had an absolute BLAST at the Jedi Training!!! Wyatt was able to fight with Darth Vadar, Hayden with Darth Maul. I loved it when the Jedi Trainer said about Wyatt -"I feel the force is very strong with this one." This was definately one of the highlights of the trip for these two!!! They still talk about it! I think they'll always remember it!

The boys had an absolute BLAST at the Jedi Training!!! Wyatt was able to fight with Darth Vadar, Hayden with Darth Maul. I loved it when the Jedi Trainer said about Wyatt -"I feel the force is very strong with this one." This was definately one of the highlights of the trip for these two!!! They still talk about it! I think they'll always remember it!

We went to the Disney Breakfast with the characters one morning of our trip. My favorite part was when I tried to make all my boys get their picture with a princess. Suddenly Wyatt is gone. We find him hiding under the table like this! (NO PICS WITH PRINCESSES FOR HIM) He is just a funny little guy!

Dancing the TWIST!!!

Waiting for the trolley bus......

I really wish Cache was in this picture, because it was his very favorite ride! We went on it at least 6 or 7 times. Lucky for us, the line was always short....
Hayden's favorite ride was California Screamin

Grandpa bought this backpack the first day there. He wore it proudly around the park each day! He has now retired it and you can find it hanging in the Barber Shop. (Until the next time we drag him to Disneyland...)

I thought Cache would get bored with the 3D shows, but as it turned out......, it was the only time we were Cache FREE!!! No chasing, no whining, no crying, no NOTHIN!! Still AND quiet!?!AHHHH.....it was nice! YAY!!!...for the 3D shows!

Our last day we spent some time at Hunnington Beach. This is the Giant Sea Turtle that was created by many hard working little children.....and a few big ones too. Cache is sobbing because Hayden sat where he wanted to sit. O Brother!!! They had even more fun kicking it apart before we left.

Wyatt seemed right at home in the waves. He jumped them for a long time until he fell.....he came up choking and crying, saying-Sick, Sick, Salty and Sick!!!!
I know Rob grew up next to the ocean and he says he doesn't miss it. But after watching him in the water on this day.......well, I'm not so sure he doesn't miss it just a little..... Anyways, I'm glad he ventured far enough away to come find a non-ocean girl, like myself. Although, he was singing The Beach Boys-"I wish they all could be California Girls" while we were on the beach that day! Hmmmm??? Very funny, honey! HaHa
I'm grateful for this fun family vacation we were able to go on and the memories we made!

Dancing the TWIST!!!

Waiting for the trolley bus......

I really wish Cache was in this picture, because it was his very favorite ride! We went on it at least 6 or 7 times. Lucky for us, the line was always short....
Hayden's favorite ride was California Screamin
Wyatt's favorite ride was The Tower of Terror!!!

Our last day we spent some time at Hunnington Beach. This is the Giant Sea Turtle that was created by many hard working little children.....and a few big ones too. Cache is sobbing because Hayden sat where he wanted to sit. O Brother!!! They had even more fun kicking it apart before we left.

Wyatt seemed right at home in the waves. He jumped them for a long time until he fell.....he came up choking and crying, saying-Sick, Sick, Salty and Sick!!!!
I know Rob grew up next to the ocean and he says he doesn't miss it. But after watching him in the water on this day.......well, I'm not so sure he doesn't miss it just a little..... Anyways, I'm glad he ventured far enough away to come find a non-ocean girl, like myself. Although, he was singing The Beach Boys-"I wish they all could be California Girls" while we were on the beach that day! Hmmmm??? Very funny, honey! HaHa
I'm grateful for this fun family vacation we were able to go on and the memories we made!
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