Cache was so much fun this Easter. He loved holding the eggs under the dye with his hands and eventually worked so hard trying to help me paint some blown out eggs, that he CraSHed on top of the kitchen table. SO CUTE!!! He loved the Easter egg hunt we had at Aunt Jen's house and also getting to drive there with Dad!!! --- (Which happens every time we go to Jen's house.... It's a good thing it's just up the hill) and I'm glad I now have proof that it's Rob's fault, when Cache tries to take the car there by himself one on these days! Every time I'm buckling Cache in his car seat he is saying---I Drive?! I Drive, Mum?! I say--- No Cache! You don't. Cache says---I sis-teen? (sixteen) I biggo? (bigger) His little voice and the things he says is precious! (But he also says stuff like--Go Away!--Zip IT!!(that's a very popular one right now and he always catches you off guard when he says it, it's so hard not to laugh)--Get Away.... from Me---(and last but not least).....Shut Up!!(this is new and I'm not laughing so much at this one) He is quite the character. Easter morning all he really cared about was his "Star Wars PEZ" and his sidwalk chalk.

Wyatt painted this lovely picture "Spring Blossoms" at pre-school. We had tons of fun dyeing lots and lots of eggs! Kari and Parker came to visit the week before Easter and they showed us how to blow eggs out! The boys loved it!!! I let them pick out their favorite egg they painted and dyed, to take pictures of. They did some really cool eggs this year. I kept trying to copy what they were doing, but theirs always turned out better than mine! ---I love these thinking pictures of Wyatt because he is a Thinking Machine!! The questions this boy comes up with? He brings up conversations about what he's going to do when he grows up--(yesterday it was a Dr. and a Jazz basketball player)----what Heaven looks like (he said there's no dirt there)----he often brings up the topic of who he will marry!!! (Once I told him he can choose who he wants to marry when he's older. He paused and looked at me and said,"But there's no girls in my pre-school class!!!"---I guess he's worried there's no one to choose from!!)----He's also told me that we need to get a girl dog, so Teeko can have a girlfriend. I love the picture of him holding the back of his britches. The boy is sooo skinny!! His pants are always way too loose. I wish I had that problem!!!

Hayden drew this cute picture "April Showers" in a calendar he made for me at Christmas time. I love it! I think he's getting a little offended that I'm not using the calendar ( I want to save it forever ) he's asked me a couple of times why I'm not using it? (I guess I better start writing in it.) Hayden had lots of fun this Easter, but said last year was better? (I asked why, he said---Don't know, it was just a little better) Funny! Maybe because Grandma and Grandpa Anderson came and sayed at our house last year?? I had to hold Hayden back, so Wyatt and Cache could find some of the eggs. He was hogging all of them. In Sacrament meeting I see Hayden reach in his pocket (all sneaky like) pull out his hand....and it's covered in chocolate! He had stashed a ton of easter candy in his pockets, and it was all melted! And now on his shirt.... and pants.... and hand.... and arm....and....HELLO!!! Why did I buy new church clothes for Easter?? Saturday night Rob and I decided to show a video to the boys about the Savior. I wasn't sure how well they would sit and listen. They were silent and glued to the screen! It was really great. Afterwards we talked about Jesus and the Atonement and why we celebrate Easter. I think we will do this every year!!!

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