MOM: Wyatt! Why'd you draw on your face? That's not going to come off you know! Where's the marker you used?
WYATT: It won't come off?
MOM: Probably not. (This is when he starts to cry)
WYATT: I just wanted to be like the cool guys.
MOM: Cool guys draw all over their face with a marker?
WYATT: Well, like cool wrestler guys sometimes do.
MOM: What?
Once I saw the marker streaking down his face from the tears, I thought it would wipe right off. Nope. I think it was a dry erase marker and we tried everything but you can still see it on his face right now as I'm typing this.....and it happened yesterday. As I was scrubbing his arms he sniffed and said----Mom (pause)... I did my socks too.
(He'd been sick with the stomach flu)
GRANDMA KARLA:(on the phone) Wyatt I'm so sorry you've been sick!
WYATT: Do you still love me even if I'm sick?
(Cache fell and was crying, I was holding him...)
WYATT: Mom, why do you only care if Cache gets hurt and not anyone else?
(We were at the golf range with Grandpa Phelps, he was helping Wyatt hit and giving him some golfing advice.....)
WYATT: I KNOW Grandpa, that's what I'm TRYING to do.....but my mind just keeps thinking about SNACKS!!!
(A couple of minutes later....)
GRANDPA: Wyatt choke up.
WYATT: (Starts coughing all loud....Like he's choking!!!)
(Grandpa was laughing so hard.....)
Oh how hilarious! I cant help but laugh....and I did my socks too.. thats the best!